Animal Crossing: New Horizons in commercials revolves everything around the peaceful life on a lonely island - remove weeds - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

Catch Fish, Beetle hunt, remove weeds, talk to animals - that sounds like a fun time.

Now, less than a month before the release, Nintendo has enhanced marketing Animal Crossing: New Horizonte in the last week or something. They have published two commercials for the charming life simulation game in Japan to give an insight into what the players expect when Tom Nook sends us on a lonely island.

How to Hunt Rare Beetles in Animal Crossing New Horizons

The commercials themselves are in Japanese, but both show interesting excerpts from the gameplay of what New Horizonte It is about everything, from the construction of their warehouse on a lonely island about catching beef and fish to the conversation with their anthropomorphic neighbors. The first trailer shows a villagers (or is it an islander now?) Images in an airplane on the island while the second trailer shows gameplay material. Look below.

Animal Crossing: New Horizonte is on the switch on 20 March. Recent developments suggest that Nintendo thinks the restrictions that were originally established for players in relation to the recovery of safe data and the transfer of data. In the meantime, the game will be playable at Pax East later this month.

Tagged with: Animal Crossing: New Horizonte, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch


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