Online cooperation arrives tomorrow in the Stranded Deep survival game
The Hills: New Beginnings is an American fact television show, established as a sequel to The Hills. The series rejoins the initial cast participants, together with their children, buddies, and new faces, and follows their personal and also professional lives while staying in Los Angeles. It premiered on June 24, 2019. In July 2019, MTV restored the collection for a 2nd period which premiered on May 12, 2021.
More than six years after the beginnings of the game on PC, Stranded Deep will inherit a feature for a long time claimed by the community, namely the possibility of playing robinsons with several thanks to online cooperation.
This feature will be available tomorrow, September 28, as part of a free update on PS4, Xbox One and PC but not on Switch whose porting is released last month. Once the update is installed, it will therefore be possible to invite another player on his island to live the beautiful life in the middle of sharks and other giant octors, while checking that the union is doing well when it takes Survive against hunger, thirst and construction without IKEA plans. This update also includes some fixes, but Beam Team Games has not published the detail yet. Recall that Stranded Deep was included in the PlayStation Plus subscription last May, in case you have added the game to your Ludothèque and forgot its existence the minute after.
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