Pre-registration of MMO Mobile Warhammer Odyssey

The developers Games Workshop and Virtual Realms opened pre-registration for a future Warhammer Mobile MMORPG called Odyssey. Warhammer Odyssey does not have an official launch date, but it will be free on iOS and Android devices and will probably contain a number of microtransactions. In Odyssey, players will customize their own adventurer in the same way as the fans of the table will draw their unique characters. You have the choice between six classes in total and the adventurers will be able to enlist in a mercenary company to face their enemies and participate in the economic life of Marienburg.

Morrslieb, the chaos moon, looks Old World, an imminent presence that forces the unfortunate to go down the streets, while the monsters of the Drakwald Forest are embhallis by the omniscient presence of the Chaos moon. Players will choose from six classes available at the launch of Warhammer Odyssey: The Archimage of the Grand Elf, the Grand Elf Ghost Warrior, the Human Witch Hunter, the Priest of the Human Warrior, the Dwarw Killer and the Dwarf Engineer. Classes will change the game because the offensive spells and the arch picture restorative healing differ radically from disabling defenses and the fast shot of the hunter sorcerer. As Warhammer Online fans during her life, we love the dwarf options available in Odyssey. Players will be able to gather to overcome powerful enemies and the best-performing groups will have various classes completing.

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Old World is the main decor of Odyssey and the city of Marienburg is the main city of adventurers to exchange, chat and accept quests. The game will grow through frequent episodic content free updates that will add more enemies, boss, places and characters. Familiar with Warhammer fans and will probably impress these new adventurers in the series.

What is your favorite Warhammer game so far? Are you pre-registering for Warhammer Odyssey? What is your favorite mobile MMORPG? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: wccftech


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