Papinox - Sparkling Diamond Pokémon / Scintillating Pearl - 269

Pacino is an insect / poison Pokémon appeared during the third generation and available in sparkling diamond versions and glittering pearl.

Summary: Information | Evolutions | Talents | Statistics | Weaknesses | Appearance | Locations | Attacks | Useful links

| National | 269

Singh | -


| | | Dust ox

| Dual |


National | 269 Singh | — | | Dust ox

| | Dual

| | Genre | Category | Capture rate

Male: 50% Female: 50% | Papipoison Pokémon | 45 (Medium) Size | Weight | Basic happiness 1,2 m | 31.6 kg | 70 egg group | hatching | EV given Infection | 3840 not | 3 Def. SPE |

Kind | Male: 50% | Female: 50%

Category Papipoison Pokémon Capture rate 45 (Medium) Cut 1,2 m Weight 31.6 kg Basic happiness 70 egg group | Infection

hatching 3840 not EV given 3 Def. Spite


Chipotle | → NIV 7 | ARMFULS | → NV 10 | Carillon → NIV 7 | Blindly | → NV 10 | Pacino TALENTS | Powder screen | Immune against the side effects of attacks suffered.

Composite eye | Increases the accuracy of attack by 30%. EVOLUTIONS

Chipotle → NIV 7 Formulas → NIV 10 Carillon → NIV 7 Blindly → NIV 10 Pacino TALENTS Powder screen Immune against the side effects of attacks suffered. Composite eye Increases the accuracy of attack by 30%.



Statistics | LEV 50 | NIV 100 PV | 60 |

| 120 – 167 | 230 – 324 ATT | 50 |

| 49 – 112 | 94 – 218 Def | 70 |

| 67 – 134 | 130 – 262 ATT SPE | 50 |

| 49 – 112 | 94 – 218 Defeated | 90 |

| 85 – 156 | 166 – 306 It | 65 |

| 63 – 128 | 121 – 251 Total | 385 The mini stats are calculated with EV and IV to 0, and a penalty of nature, if possible. Max stats are calculated with EV at 255, IV to 31, and a bonus of nature, if possible.


Weaknesses and resistances

| | | | | | | | 1 | ¼ | 1 | 1 | 1 | ½ | 2 | 1 | ½ | | | | | | | | 1 | ¼ | ½ | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2

Pacino appearance

Normal | Chromatic


Pacino location in sparkling diamond and sparkling pearl


Route 224, Route 230, Forest Vestigial — Single Pearl

List of Pacino attacks in sparkling diamond and glittering pearl

attacks obtained by level

level | Name | Type | Cat. | then. | PRE | pp --- 0 | Tornado | | | 40 | 100% | 35 Can touch targets in a state of semi-invulnerability in flight and double the damage. 1 | Tornado | | | 40 | 100% | 35 Can touch targets in a state of semi-invulnerability in flight and double the damage. 12 | Mental shock | | | 50 | 100% | 25 10% chance to make the target confused. 15 | TOOK POWDER | | | — | 75% | 35 Poisons the target. 17 | Moon Ray | | | — | — | 5 Regenerates 50% of PV max if there is no climate. Under the sun, regenerates 2/3 of PVS max. Under other climates, regenerates 25% of PVS max. 20 | Shock venom | | | 65 | 100% | 10 Double the power of the attack if the target is poisoned. 22 | Rafael Pay | | | 65 | 100% | 20 10% chance to make the target confused. 25 | Vampires | | | 80 | 100% | 10 Regenerates 50% of the damage inflicted on the target. 27 | Wall light | | | — | — | 30 For 5 turns, reduces the special damage received by the Allied Pokémon by 50%. 30 | Cyclone | | | — | — | 20 Force the change of the target or ends the fight against a wild Pokémon. Priority: -6. 32 | Toxic | | | — | 90% | 10 Poisons the target severely. 35 | Bumblebee | | | 90 | 100% | 10 10% chance to reduce the special defense of the target of a level. 37 | Shelter | | | — | — | 10 Protects with any attack during a tour. The accuracy is divided by 3 to each consecutive use. Priority: +4. 40 | Papillomas | | | — | — | 20 Increases the special attack, the special defense and the speed of a level.

attacks obtained by CT

N° | Name | Type | Cat. | then. | PRE | pp --- 06 | Toxic | | | — | 90% | 10 Poisons the target severely. 11 | Zenith | | | — | — | 5 Triggers the sun climate. 15 | Ultralaser | | | 150 | 90% | 5 The launcher can not make any attack the next round. 16 | Wall light | | | — | — | 30 For 5 turns, reduces the special damage received by the Allied Pokémon by 50%. 17 | Shelter | | | — | — | 10 Protects with any attack during a tour. The accuracy is divided by 3 to each consecutive use. Priority: +4. 19 | Giga-leech | | | 75 | 100% | 10 Regenerates 50% of the damage inflicted on the target. 22 | Sunset | | | 200 | 100% | 10 Charge during a turn and attack at the next. No loading tower under the sun. 29 | Psycho | | | 90 | 100% | 10 10% decrease the special defense of the target of a level. 30 | Ballombre | | | 80 | 100% | 15 20% chance to reduce the special defense of the target of a level. 32 | Reflection | | | — | — | 15 Increases the dodger of a level. 36 | Bomb-Beurk | | | 90 | 100% | 10 30% chance of poisoning the target. 40 | Aircraft | | | 60 | — | 20 Touch the target regardless of the precision calculation. 42 | Facade | | | 70 | 100% | 20 Double the power of the attack if the launcher is poisoned, burned or paralyzed. 44 | Rest | | | — | — | 10 The launcher regenerates his PV maximum and falls asleep for the next 2 tours. 45 | Attraction | | | — | 100% | 15 The target becomes charmed if it is sex opposite that of the launcher. 46 | Larsen | | | 60 | 100% | 25 If the launcher does not hold an object, flies the object held by the target. 51 | Landing | | | — | — | 10 Regenerates 50% of PVS max. The launcher loses his type Flight during the turn of use. 53 | Eco-Sphere | | | 90 | 100% | 10 10% chance to reduce the special defense of the target of a level. 58 | Tenacity | | | — | — | 10 Until the end of the turn, keeps 1 PV at the thrower after an attack that should have put it out of bat. Priority: +4. 62 | Bumblebee | | | 90 | 100% | 10 10% chance to reduce the special defense of the target of a level. 68 | Gig Impact | | | 150 | 90% | 5 The launcher can not make any attack the next round. 70 | Flash | | | — | 100% | 20 Decreases the accuracy of the target of a level. 82 | Blab la Dodo | | | — | — | 10 Can only be used assorted. Uses a random attack among the launchers list of attacks. 87 | Bastardize | | | — | 85% | 15 Makes the confused target and increases its attack on two levels. 89 | Turnaround | | | 70 | 100% | 20 The launcher changes his place with a Pokémon of the team after the application of the damage 90 | Cloning | | | — | — | 10 Removes 25% of the launchers PVS and creates a clone with the number of PVS used. The clone is immunized against status attacks and cash damage attacks instead of the launcher. 97 | Anti-mist | | | — | — | 15 Decreases the dodger of the target of a level. Dispels the entry hazards and the walls of protection.

Useful links

List of insect-type Pokémon List of poison Pokémon List of infection egg group Pokémon How to play Pacino (English form)


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