Lost with the children of the dragon's house? This is the Targaryen family tree

All With so much temporary jump and so many children swarming on the one hand and on the other, the lt episodes of the dragon's house have become a more complicated palliatives to follow than that of our political cls . It's like at weddings, they want to approach those present to k them if they come for the boyfriend or bride. In addition, all seem to grow and age according to the demands of the script and not of life , chaos is increing. But calm that we bring a solution.

We present a family tree of the Targaryen house , courtesy of Culture Crave. An image that encompses the hodgepodge with the Velar yon, the ancestors of the visions itself and the palpable differences between the heirs of Aliment and the btards of Chandra . To get every future Christm dinner in which we do not know who is who, such episode 8, the peace gesture that actually begins a war.

George RR Martin confirms 4 seons

If things are like this with just 8 episodes, imagine what that image can be extended within several seons... because yes, the dragon's house will have more than one and two. Attentive to the words of George RR Martin about the duration of the series: It will take four seons of 10 episodes to do justice to The dance of dragons From beginning to end.

It should be remembered that the series is bed on the book Fuel y Blood, of 880 pages in its edition to Spanish. It narrates the rise to the power of the Targaryen, since they survived the curse of Valeria until his dynty settled on the island of Boca Raton, through the conquest of Point and the foundation of the iconic throne of iron. Dragons dance refers to Misery descendants and how they fought for power, and fought a civil war that almost ended the dragon's house .

Taking into account the dimensions of the book (and that there is a second part on the way), it is not surprising that we will have three more years of the dragon's house . Their show runners do not rule out or jump to narrate the conflicts of other generations Targaryen also described in the book. And it is that every time a Targaryen is born, the gods throw the currency into the air and the world hopes to see what side it will fall: Greatness or madness .


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