Platinum Guide God of War Ragnarok: Step by Step to take the trophies

God of War Ragnarök has been available for some time on PS4 and PS5, and it's time to look for the precious platinum trophy. As with all AAA launched by Sony, trophies are not very difficult to get.


There is a variation between achievements for main, secondary and even collectible heads, as well as favors. An important point is that there is no trophy related to difficulty. So be free to play in the way you want.

General information about trophies

  • They are a total of 36 trophies, 16 onze, 15 silver, 4 gold and 1 platinum. This includes 23 hidden trophies related to history, which you will necessarily get as you advance. In order not to unnecessarily spoil your identity, they are at the end of the article.
  • With this guide, getting all the trophies in God of War Ragnarök is very easy, as you can play in minimum difficulty if you want.
  • No trophy can be lost, and a single move is enough to get everything.
  • Book about 30 to 50 hours of play to unlock everything if you are playing in a difficulty that is not too challenging for you.

Equipment trophies

Trophy of Favors

Many missions are waiting to be done in the nine kingdoms. They are not particularly difficult, but you usually have to travel a little everywhere.

collectible trophies

Contrary to popular belief, killing Odin's 48 crows do not give him a trophy directly. But you will still have to collect them, because the following boss has an item you need for the collector trophy (equipment section).

History trophies

As stated above, these trophies reward their progress in the game chapters and the victory over the various bosses. We list them by meeting order. The two final options, which can only be faced after the conclusion of the story, are at the bottom of the list.


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